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Are you wondering how on earth your going to get rid of all that saggy, droopy face and neck fat? or your double chin?

Well we have the perfect solution for you!

HIFU UPLIFTING TREATMENT – look up to 5 – 10 years younger !! Perfect for men and women

Here is all the information you need to know about your HIFU treatment:

1. What exactly is HIFU?

A natural face lift with no needles, no knife, and NO down time !

HIFU is a safe, ultrasound treatment designed for anti-ageing, facial lifting and body sculpting. The ultrasound energy generates gentle heat to the skin . This energy stimulates natural new collagen production, with no cells disruption, no damage to the outer skin surface (no scarring). No physiological changes to the human body at all .

2. How does HIFU work?

a) Micro-shots of high intensity focused ultrasound energy are beamed through the surface of the skin

b) This delivers precise and fractional ultrasound energy, generating gentle heat to the skin

c)This stimulates new collagen synthesis

d) While at the same time tightening muscles, improving skin texture, reducing wrinkles, firming and lifting the skin and giving you a sculpted, tightened and lifted new look… naturally.

3. What are the benefits to HIFU?

  • Appearance of fresher lifted Face
  • Reduces appearance of sagging skin
  • Improvement of double Chin
  • No Downtime
  • Can be completed in a lunch break
  • Only one treatment for 6-12 months
  • Safe, Non-Surgical cosmetic procedure, lifting and tightening the skin with noticeable results.
  • Eye lift
  • Neck Lift

4. How often do I need HIFU?

Generally only one treatment is needed every 6 months to 1 year depending on the client’s age and degree of skin laxity, biological response to ultrasound energy and their individual collagen-building process.

5. How long until you see results?

Immediately after your HIFU treatment you may see an initial effect but the ultimate results will take place over the next 2-3 months…and continue getting better for the next 6 months!

6. Is HIFU a replacement for a surgical facelift?

While HIFU treats the same deep foundational layer that cosmetic surgery treats, although it comes close, it won’t duplicate the exact results of a full facelift. Yet it offers a great non-surgical alternative that is gentler and non-invasive. It is also possible to extend the effects of cosmetic surgery with HIFU.


BOOK NOW 1300 761 925

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