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About Our Laser Hair Removal Machine

The Latest Hair Removal Technology at Nirvana Beauty Laser Clinics

Laser Hair removal technology

At Nirvana Beauty we use the latest industry technologies to optimise client experience and comfort. We use the most state-of-the-art, medical grade laser technology GentleLASE or GentleYAG lasers and Candela GMAX Pro. These machines ensure the safety and optimised comfort for our clients.

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Koolio Air Cooling System

Our New Air Cooling System
Introducing our new optimal air cooling system, Koolio. Koolio is an air cooling system dedicated for the before, during, and after laser procedures without interfering with laser beam emission. Koolio is designed to reduce possible pain and thermal damage during laser treatments

Nirvana has over 20 Years of Experience
Years of experience

Over 20 Years of Experience

Highly recommended clinic in Sydney
Highly recommended

100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

Nirvana has the finest equipment and best quality skin products.
Best tools

Finest equipment and best quality skin products.

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