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New York Facial- 3 in 1 Super Facial

What is The New York Facial?

New York Facial is the newest generation in facial treatments.

It is the only 3-in-1 Super Facial

  1. exfoliate
  2. infuse
  3. oxygenate

all in one treatment.

For skin exfoliation improving skin oxygen levels via oxygenation and infusion of valuable ingredients to enrich the skin layers –  all the things skin loves!

3-in-1 therapy. Better results.

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Skin Lifting Treatment

How Does New York Facial Work?

The Capsugen tablet exfoliates the upper skin layer to remove dead cells, smooth and renew the skin, preparing the skin to receive active nutrients.

Capsugen® cleanses the skin, preparing it for infusion of active ingredients: NeoRevive™ for rejuvenation and anti-aging or NeoBright™ for skin brightening and texture improvement

The OxyGeneO® effect produces CO2 bubbles which gently burst on the skin surface creating a physiological response, sending oxygen-rich blood to the area. This increases capillary flow and skin metabolism. Oxygenation results in optimal absorption of active ingredients.

Benefits of Facial

  • Plump and hydrate
  • Restore skin volume
  • Renew youthful glow
  • Revitalize dull complexion
  • Reduce appearance of wrinkles
  • Firm skin and tighten pores
  • Improve skin cell production
  • Reduce appearance of pigmentation

-Safe for ANY skin type!

*(Results may vary person to person)


Make sure all make up is removed.


  •  Avoid excessive sunlight
  •  Moisturize your skin

How long until I see results?

Your skin will come to life and feel smoother and look more radiant immediately, Results are seen after only one treatment

Click here to see before & afters


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