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Unwanted Fat

Combat Unwanted Fat and Build Muscle

OurΒ MM SLIM, Cellulite TreatmenΒ andΒ HIFU Treatment will help combat the problem of unwanted fat. You can have the six pack or Brazilian butt lift you always wanted.

MM slimΒ (TGA listed)Β  is a HI-EMT device designed for aesthetic purpose, having 2 (two) applicators with higher intensity. It’s cutting-edge technology in non-invasive body contouring, as it not only makes GAIN MUSCLE, but also makes you LOSE FAT. Additionally, the treatment require no anesthesia, incisions, or discomfort. In fact, clients are able to sit back and relax, while the device performs the equivalent of more than 30,000 painless crunches or squats

Cellulite treatment: You get plenty of sleep, eat a healthy diet, and exercise on an (almost) regular basis yet the extra layer of fat around your mid-section insists upon staying put. Surgical liposuction is definitely an option, however, going under the knife is not something you particularly care to do. Aside from the higher cost of surgical procedures, there is also the significant recovery time, discomfort and risk of infection. Now you don’t have to go under the knife.

HIFU Treatment that can treat to tone and tighten and melt fat such as stomach, thighs, arms etc.

Treatments to Help

Nirvana has over 20 Years of Experience
Years of experience

Over 20 Years of Experience

Highly recommended clinic in Sydney
Highly recommended

100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

Nirvana has the finest equipment and best quality skin products.
Best tools

Finest equipment and best quality skin products.

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