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Rough/Dry Skin

Improve Texture & Quality Of Your Skin.

Dry skin is often temporary and most common in winter. We can help you achieve fresh skin all year round.

Signs and symptoms of dry skin depend on age, health, location and time spent outdoors.

Microdermabrasion and Dermal Planning are used to improve the texture and quality of your skin.

This treatment is fantastic at tackling dull, dry or rough skin. Microdermabrasion treatments are commonly used in combination with other treatments, including peels, wrinkle reduction and prevention and volume enhancement.

It is perfect to polish and deeply exfoliate your skin, while also promoting lymphatic draining.

Treatments to Help

Nirvana has over 20 Years of Experience
Years of experience

Over 20 Years of Experience

Highly recommended clinic in Sydney
Highly recommended

100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

Nirvana has the finest equipment and best quality skin products.
Best tools

Finest equipment and best quality skin products.

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